Hope everyone is enjoying their summer. I just returned from India with the NBA’s Basketball without Borders. Trying to adjust to the time difference. I had a wonderful time over in India because of the great job done by the NBA. Everyone that was involved with the camp did an excellent job. It was my first Basketball w/o Borders in what I hope will be the first of many more to come. 

   This was also my first trip to India. My wife and I were both looking forward to this trip. We arrived in India and the heat and humidity hit us immediately. At the airport the chaos began. Most airports are chaotic, but in India it is a little more so. Leaving the airport I found out that the lines on the road are there for decoration. The horn is used more than anything else and the cars do not use blinkers. Every car no matter how old or new has dents and scratches, not to mention being covered in dust as well.

  The hotel was very nice and so was the staff. The rooms were a nice size and the food was very good. They had some very good restaurants there at the hotel. Outside the hotel grounds there was alot of poverty. India has alot of poverty throughout the country. On the way to the Taj it was nothing but mile after mile of poverty and garbage, waste, etc… Cows running around the streets, people sleeping wherever they can on the sidewalks, somewhere there is shade. Kids with no shoes or shirts. It was a very disturbing trip to the Taj seeing all of the people out on the streets with nothing to do or anywhere to go, no purpose in life, no jobs.

   The Taj is an unbelievable building.  Being on the grounds of the Taj, it is easy to forget about the poor and all of the poverty. After the tour we were met outside the grounds of the Taj by the poor once again. There is no escaping poverty in India. Also the flys were out in full force. Now I know why you have to get your shots before going to India and then you have to take Malarone for Malaria.

   It was a trip of a life time and I am glad that I went. I cannot thank the NBA for this wondrful opportunity and I cannot thank everyone that was on the trip for their hospitality and friendship.

   I will be blogging about the summer league. It’s great to be home in the greatest country in the world.

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