Sorry it has been awhile since my last blog.  I’ve just been super busy getting ready for the season and recuperating from our on the road, all over the country and world pre-season tour. To be honest with you the pre-season seemed like a season. We were on the road so long that my wife and daughter forgot who I was when I returned home. It has been great getting home and seeing the both of them.

   Last week was a tough week for me as I lost two of my dear friends. George Mitchell from Union Beach, NJ was 42 years old and leaves behind his wife and two kids. We played alot of ball together and shared many laughs and memorable times. I’ve been praying for George’s family. He is going to be missed by many. Then I lost another friend of mine from Baltimore, Craig Noppinger. It has been a few years since I last saw him. We spoke a few times about him coming to a Wizards game, it never happened and now it never will. I pray for the Noppinger family as they were like my family when I was living in Baltimore. I will never forget the times we shared together, Nick (Craig’s father) and I would play Craig and Dave (Craig’s brother) two on two. The result was always the same Dave and Craig would be fighting with one another and Nick and I would be laughing. Afterwards we would go back to their house and Peg would have cool drinks for us and food as well. I always told the guys to enjoy their time with their dad, because my dad left when I was a young boy.

     Unfortunately I could not make both funerals. We were on the road, like we could be anywhere else during the pre-season. In San Antonio and then Columbus, Ohio. I got back to DC early Saturday morning around 2:30 am. Slept for awhile and then Carole, McKenna and I  went up to Baltimore for Craig’s prayer and memeorial service. It was not the best of times to see the Noppinger’s. I pray that they find comfort in our Lord as does the Mitchell family.

   Everyone enjoy your family and friends because life doesn’t last forever. Enjoy everyday and thank the Lord for it. Make the most of it and most of all help someone and make someone smile. It’s not all about me. Don’t forget to let everyone know that you love them. Take care and God Bless.

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