Had a great time in Naples, Florida over all star break. Unfortunately my wife and daughter had the bug and were feeling under the weather most of the time. At least we got some time together and we were with our friends Mike and Annie. The time went by quickly, it seems like I never get enough time with the family. While in Florida I got a couple of workouts in and got some shots up. I also watched a high school basketball game and the referee’s were awful. All that they did was blow the whistle and there was no flow to the game. I felt bad for the kids playing because they really didn’t get a chance to play.

    Got back to DC Sunday night. Practice was on Monday at 5:00pm. Everyone seemed like the break did them good. The practice was a good one with the players all working hard and they were enthusiastic too. It seemed like everyone wanted to be there. Gilbert practiced and so did Andray. It is good to see Gil back doing what he should be doing. Hopefully he will be able to play again and regain his all star form.

    First game back against Minnesota. They are a team that is alot like us. They are struggling and are suffering from injuries as well. They also had a coaching change during the season. Their record is also similar to ours. It will be good to see JB Bickerstaff and Dean Cooper, two guys that I met over the summer doing camps in China and India.

    Had our morning meeting and then shootaround. After shootaround I spent some time with Brendan on the practice court and worked him about a bit. He is shooting the ball better than I expected. His wrist seems to be fairly flexible. We really miss him on the floor. BWood anchored our defense and really talked to his teammates. Get back soon Wood, we need you and miss you. Brendan will go see the doctor on Friday when we are in New Jersey. Hopefully we will have some good news and a date as to when he can participate in practice.

   The game never gets here soon enough. Time seems to drag from shootaround until tip off. The highlight of my day is when Adam or Chase (two of our ballboys) come looking for me and want to challenge me to a shootout. I have to shoot with my left hand. They are great guys and we have alot of fun and laughs. They have gotten better from last season as they have beaten me a few times this season. My left hand has also improved shooting against them. It is funny to see how happy they are when they do win, which isn’t too often I might add. It gets my mind off of the game and keeps me loose. I also make sure that I get my workout in, don’t want to miss any workouts.

    WE WON. We beat Minnesota and I was happy to see my brother and friends at the game. My brother Skip came down from Baltimore with Lee Miles, Joey and Michael Schultz. Maybe they are our good luck charms. It feels good to win.

    Remember to count your blessings, we all have something to be thankful for and tell your loved ones how much you love tham and how much they mean to you.

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