College Basketball will soon start practice and then high school basketball will follow suit. It is a great time of the year to be in the gym and hear the squeaking of sneakers on the hardwood. The days get shorter and the nights longer, the temperatures start to drop. What better place to spend the fall, winter and spring seasons than in a gym.All of the work that you did in the off season will now pay off . During the off season is the time for individual improvement. If you put the time and effort in during your workouts you should be much improved. On the other hand if you didn’t put the time and effort in don’t expect playing time.Coaches have been getting ready by preparing their practice plans for some time. It is an exciting time for them as well. Everyone starts the season with high hopes. Once practice starts and then the games reality sets in. Coaches find out just how good or bad their teams really are.As far as what I will be doing this season I am continuing to work on my game. There is always room for improvement. I have a bunch of camps, clinics, individual workouts and corporate speaking engagements lined up.I am also writing a book on shooting, this is something that I have always wanted to do. Human Kinetics has been kind enough to believe in me and my knowledge of shooting to want me to do this as well. Human Kinetics have done a number of books on basketball and other sports as well. This is a very exciting venture for me.Thanks for reading. Will blog again soon.

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