Another year of hoops has begun. The season is young and exciting as it always is. Rumors of LeBron, DWade and CB4 leaving their teams because of free agency. Who knows what will happen? What we do know is that we will have basketball regardless.For the past three years I have been coaching in the NBA at first with the Raptors and then the past two with the Wizards. It seems strange not sitting in on the coaches meetings and putting together a gameplan, watching film and getting ready for practice. I miss that part and also the part of being in practice working with the players. I miss the coaches and the players as well. I do not miss the travel and being away from the family.I was offered a couple of jobs to continue coaching in the NBA, but I turned them down because they wanted me to take a huge paycut and the job was not going to be a pension position. It was easy to go back to my own business (Dave Hopla Shooting Clinics). The LORD has blessed me with this gift and I am grateful that I can share it with others. Now I get to pick and choose when and where I want to go to work. It was an easy decision to make on my part. The Toronto Raptors also called and they asked if I would be interested in coming up to work with the guys whenever they are home for a few days. To work as a consultant. I jumped at the chance. I get to be home with the family and I get to work with a great organization. I cannot thank Bryan, Jay and the rest of the coaches for inviting me up. I went up over the pre season for a few days and am looking forward to my return. They have a bunch of talented players and they all want to become better players. It was a joy working with them. Talk about your prayers being answered. Thank you LORD. So now I have the best of both worlds, I get to be with my wife and daughter and I still get to work with the Raptors. I would also like to thank everyone out there for booking camps, clinics, speaking engagements for this fall, winter and spring.Remember we can do nothing without our GOOD LORD. Have a blessed day.

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