I would like to take the time and say goodbye to everyone in Washington as well as say thanks for a wonderful two years. Thanks to the fans who had to endure this season, the people that run the Verizon Center. I will miss each and everyone of you. I will miss everyone up in the basketball office, especially the ladies Cathy, Lisa and Jennifer a big thank you to each of you for everything that you did for me and my family. We will all miss you ladies. Carole and McKenna send their love. How can I thank the guys down in the trenches for all of their help, support and friendship. I am talking about JW, Rob, Drew, H (also no longer with the Wizards) Eric, Koitche (sorry about the spelling), Corey, Dave Avery and Billy C. You guys are the best. I have lots of memories and you are all part of them.

    The people that I am going to miss the most are the guys that you spend every day with and spend the most time with and that is the coaching staff. After losing two friends and fine coaches earlier in the season (Eddie Jordan and Mike O’Koren) the coaching staff tried to keep it together with the rest of the coaching staff. Tap took over the head spot (the smartest man that I know) did everything in his power to keep us afloat. Randy Ayers as fine a coach and human being that there is. Phil Hubbard aka PH or Hub a Dub, I am going to miss the laughter that you brought to the table everyday and kept us laughing instead of crying. I have yet to hear someone say anything bad about Hub. He’s funny without trying to be funny. Wes Unseld Jr. a brilliant basketball mind who will one day be a head coach in the NBA and a wonderful person.

    I am truly blessed to have had the opportunity to work with these guys. I learned so much from each and everyone of them. We all got along so well. There are alot of staffs where the coaches are so jealous of one another, I never experienced that here, we all pitched in and helped one another out. It was a perfect fit, nobody thought they were too big to do something.

Thanks to Ernie, Tommy and Milt for bringing me to Washington and having the chance to be close to Baltimore.

    Thanks to the best ballboys and ballgirls in the NBA. You guys are the best. I will miss all of you.

    Last but not least, thanks to the players. Over the two years that I have spent coaching in Washington I have come into contact with some fine young men. I will miss each and everyone of you guys. Thank you for being so coachable and for working hard. I wish that you will all have good health for next season and then everything else will take care of itself.

     I don’t know what the Good Lord has in His plans for me and I don’t try to question Him. I just put my trust in Him and pray for Him to give me wisdom, understanding and knowledge. I hope everyone has a great summer and I look forward to keeping you abreast of my activity during the upcoming months.

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