It’s been awhile since my last blog. There hasn’t been much to write about. We started the season at 0 and 5 once again, the same as last season. Finally got a win against Utah at home. That made us 1 and 5. After that win we went to Miami to play against D-Wade and they beat us by 20. Miami went on a 20 to 1 run in the third to put the game away. We play Miami at home tomorrow night. Hopefully the result will be much different.

     Not to make excuses but we have been hit by the injury bug once again. Antonio is out with a sore knee, BWood is out four to six months and Gil is out till at least the new year. How do you replace them? You don’t and you can’t. So we just coach the guys we have and put our minds together to come up with a game plan each and everyday. We have some new guys that are trying to pick up our defensive philosophy in Juan Dixon, Dee Brown, Javale McGee and Etan Thomas. Etan was out last year with a heart operation, so this stuff is new to him as well. It took the guys awhile to learn the system last year as well. Offensively we are struggling as well. We are missing shots from the field, three point line as well as the free throw line. All in all we have to get better and we will as the season progresses.

    Our schedule has been fractured as well. We have played the least amount of games at this point, seven. Some other teams Phoenix and Sacramento have already played twelve ad the majority of teams have played nine or ten. That will soon change as we will have four games in five nights starting tomorrow.

    The one GREAT thing about having some time off in between games is that I get to spend time with my wife and daughter. Went to the movies the other day with Mckenna and saw Madagascar Two. Had a blast with her. Everyone tells me to enjoy every moment with her as life is too short, I am trying to do that. Remember that and tell your loved ones that you love them. Take care and God Bless.

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